Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Passing Of George Carlin


I woke up this morning to the terrible news of the passing of George Carlin. This man was, and still is one of my inspirations to write comedy. I know some of you didn't like the seven words you can't use bit that he did, but he was MUCH MORE THAN THAT! He was a trailblazer and courageous in comedy. Some of you might not know that he abandonded his traditional slick stand up that he did in clubs and Vegas, and took a leap into a new form of comedy that appealed to the younger, hipper rock and roll set! Off came the suit and tie, tuxedo and on on went the t-shirt and jeans. It was risky, but he made it happen big time!!
Before he made his conversion, even his earliler routines were classics...."The Hippy-Dippy Weatherman" for one, but that wasn't enough for him. He definitely wanted to push the envelope! He did, and we're better for it!
He was a thinking man's comic. He showed the world that it takes brains to do comedy. His oxymoron bit, was a classic..."JUMBO-shrimp!"
He was curious as to why white guys were shaving their heads. It looks great on black guys, ridculous on white guys...."If they wanted no hair" he said, "do what I did...WAIT!
He ws asked what he thought about the DOPE problem, his answer was "I think we definitely have TOO MANY DOPES!!
Even though I met him, the only time I ever worked with him was as a musician. Never when I was doing my comedy writing!
Our loss, is heavens gain! Make 'em laugh George!

You'll be missed!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I've been blogging here for a while, and so far have had NO comments! So because of that....I'M GONNA keep blogging!! I'm not sure if you prefer my music or my comedy blogs. So I'm gonna keep doing BOTH!! I'm not sure if you'd want weekly blogs, monthly blogs, or NO BLOGS!! So I've decided to do WEEKLY BLOGS!! If you're not gonna read them...have someone read them to ya!! Why can't we all just get along? W-T-F- am I talking about? NOTHING!! I ain't talking...I'm WRITING! If any of this is making any sense, then you're in bigger TROUBLE than I am! So in conclusion...READ THE DAMN BLOGS!!!! pleeezzee!
Sorry if I'm sounding kinda cranky, but I'm haveing a BAD HAIR DAY and I'm lookin' fer someone to jump on my belly. I have a gas bubble and could use the relief!
Don't make me start writing lymrics.
Thank you
BIG Bad Bob!
It's time for my nap!