I woke up this morning to the terrible news of the passing of George Carlin. This man was, and still is one of my inspirations to write comedy. I know some of you didn't like the seven words you can't use bit that he did, but he was MUCH MORE THAN THAT! He was a trailblazer and courageous in comedy. Some of you might not know that he abandonded his traditional slick stand up that he did in clubs and Vegas, and took a leap into a new form of comedy that appealed to the younger, hipper rock and roll set! Off came the suit and tie, tuxedo and on on went the t-shirt and jeans. It was risky, but he made it happen big time!!
Before he made his conversion, even his earliler routines were classics...."The Hippy-Dippy Weatherman" for one, but that wasn't enough for him. He definitely wanted to push the envelope! He did, and we're better for it!
He was a thinking man's comic. He showed the world that it takes brains to do comedy. His oxymoron bit, was a classic..."JUMBO-shrimp!"
He was curious as to why white guys were shaving their heads. It looks great on black guys, ridculous on white guys...."If they wanted no hair" he said, "do what I did...WAIT!
He ws asked what he thought about the DOPE problem, his answer was "I think we definitely have TOO MANY DOPES!!
Even though I met him, the only time I ever worked with him was as a musician. Never when I was doing my comedy writing!
Our loss, is heavens gain! Make 'em laugh George!
You'll be missed!