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I'm not one to watch award shows, even though I judged "THE CABLE ACE AWARDS" for a couple of years. At no time during that orientation was I asked to judge what the nominees were going to wear on award night. Actors, and show people in general, work very hard and put in many hours to try and bring you great entertainment. So when they are nominated for an Oscar, a Tony or an Emmy, it's an opportunity for us to show appreciation for their work.....NOT for how they dress in public, but for their WORK!! And work it is. And let's not forget the years it took them to get there! In most cases when the envelope is opened and their names are comes as a total shock to them. They may babble their acceptance speeches, probably because they didn't think they'd win...and even if they did, actors read from scripts...they're told what to they babble a little...they're excited...SO WHAT!! Cut them some slack for cryin' out loud. Let them enjoy the moment. What do you want the Academy to do, install SKEET-SPRINGS at the podium and when they run over, yell “PULL”?!?! Yeah, I know it drags a little and maybe they should teach Acceptance 101 at acting school, but until they do let them enjoy!
Now the one thing I REALLY don't like are the criticisms on what they're wearing! WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THEIR TALENT???? "Oh this one didn't look good in that dress!” and “Did you see those hideous shoes???” Just when the heck did this become SHOE BUSINESS?!?!? The next day, when you pick up the paper or watch the news, it's "WHO WORE WHAT" instead of "WHO WON WHAT"! Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great vehicle for designers to showcase their stuff, but remember most of those winners would look good even in gunny-sacks! I think that they are ALL beautiful! Again, to all you Fashionistas, YOU should look so good!
A couple of years ago, ."REALITY TELEVISION" hit the scene. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT? AND people bought into it!. What's up with that????
At the end of the day I turn on the TV to escape reality, not to enter into someone else’s!! I want sports, dramas, sitcoms, politics....You know.."FICTION"...Not REALITY!! I don't need to see some apparently "abnormals" sucking on scorpions or slugs, WHILE I'M EATING YET! I also don't need to see them sleeping in make-shift tents! If I wanted that I would've stayed in the Boy Scouts! They consider themselves fortunate if they catch a snake. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I see a snake......I'm outa there. Then not only do they cook it...they EAT IT! What's up with that! I know they say that snakes taste like chicken!.... NO.....CHICKEN TASTES LIKE CHICKEN! That's why they call it CHICKEN!!! SNAKE tastes like "SNAKE"...Do the math!
Just give me some good old fashioned fiction. Okay CSI, Bones, Crossing Jordan, cutting peoples heads open and playing with their brains, I can sorta tolerate that....cause it's not's Fiction....(At least I hope it's fiction) Yuck! Those shows are a form of escapism. All the other shows: The Big Race, Big Brother, the so called "TALENT" shows, reality shows in general...JUST TOO MANY!! I do have to admit that AMERICAN IDOL gives a platform to some really talented people and produced Rueben and others, not to forget super stars Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. That was a good thing, but I found the remarks and criticisms made by "Simon CRUEL" TO BE MEAN AND UNNECESSARY! These are things you say to people behind closed doors. Not for public embarrassment! Sadly, a lot of people were watching to see these performers fall on their faces, instead of how good they were. How sad. The real casualties however are all of the talented performers, writers, directors, waiting in the wings to mount some new shows, but it's cheaper and I do mean cheaper to produce reality shows.
To me it's like a low budget cowboy movie, where you use real bullets and only have to pay the survivors! So what's the next move "SPIN-OFFS?" The Food Network's "COOKING CRICKETS WITH CARL!".....Or how about The Game channel's LET'S TAKE A CHANCE....Where members of the audience are forced to eat wild mushrooms without knowing if they're poisonous. The winners get to rummage through the losers pockets and keep what they find.....Then they spin the wheel to see who has to bury them in the parking lot! And the Discovery Channel showing several ways that you can make HAIR GEL out of WILD MOOSE slobber. As Rachael would say....."YUMM-O!"
There was a time when, if bands wanted to make it in the music business, they worked hard on creating their own original music in the hopes of gaining interest from the record companies. You had to if you wanted to have a record...and a career in music! It was the only game in town....but not anymore! BUT NOT ANY MORE!! What happened?? Computers, that's what happened... the "Internet". Before the internet, record companies would send out their scouts looking for fresh new talent and when they found you, they'd sell you a bill of goods, saying things like they love your sound! If you sign with them, they'll make you the next Stones, Beatles, Aerosmith..etc. And you'd be thinking..we don't want to be them... we want to be"US"! But you didn't want to say it out loud, for fear that you might queer the deal. So you'd trust them..and ALL along they're telling you how great you are...Then you'd get into the studio and one of the first things the producer did was to change your music around to suit him! But when you're new you don't say anything because you don't wanna "QUEER THE DEAL"! So you wound up with product that sometimes didn't come close to resembling your style, but you shut up and didn't say anything because you're new and you don't want to "QUEER THE DEAL"!! They'd release your recording, give it a little promotion and if the thing didn't take off right away... they'd back off and let it die a slow death... What happened to all those promises? I listened to you and signed away our songs... I was a good little indian and didn't speak up when I should have...and some how, the DEAL GOT QUEERED!! Now, thanks to the internet, bands are able to build a following and take charge of their OWN business. They can burn their own cd's, do their own art work or hire someone to do it for them, take control of their own destiny and market themselves online. They've created an important arm of the music industry called "INDIES"!!! Independant groups, performers and even movies! If you did the research you'd proably be shocked at how many of your favorite groups are "Indies"! Their music gets played on online Podcasts, can be downloaded, for a price, from their own websites....and eventually sold in record stores... Great isn't it?? Nowadays, since bands have to supply their own followers and fans to play out, they have a built in audience... Cool huh? So in many ways they are in control of their own fate...AT LAST!! And don't steal their for the download! They worked hard and deserve their just due. If this is news to you, and you'd like to hear an example of an "indie" podcast....try ...who in my not-so-humble opinion has one of the best eclectic mixes from across the country and around the world. Check it OUT!!
I used to sneak into jazz clubs when I was underage…not to drink, but to check out the drummers and the music. I was constantly amazed at how the musicians were of different ethnicities and varied ages. They ranged in age from late teens to sometimes their 70’s, or even 80’s! Whether it was big bands or small groups, the age mixture made for great music!! If you were lucky enough to sit close to them, they would gladly talk to you and answer any questions you had…and even encourage you. When I was old enough I jumped into the mix. I was drumming with some of the people I used to watch. Then when I converted to Rock and Rhythm and Blues, I thought that would never happen again…but I was wrong. It happened in not only New York, but Chicago, Boston, Toronto, New Orleans…Wherever great music was being played. When I played in New York clubs, we would do our regular sets and when things would slow down at the end of the night, musicians would meander in and bring their axes on stage and join in the fun. The famous, the not so famous, the young, the not so young…Jazz players, Blues players, Rockers….and we would cook!! It was an AGELESS MUSICAL LEAGUE OF NATIONS!! And…we got paid to play!!
Many years after leaving my group, I was called by our bass player who wanted me to start playing again. I thought about it for awhile, imagining us doing concerts again, and finding a little out of the way club in the Village where we could play some blues at least one night a week, and maybe have some younger dudes sit next us one of us and ask us some questions. So after contacting some of the others, I bought a set of drums and four out of the original six reformed our band! So once we were set, I figured, as in the past, I’d just have to call some clubs and get the ball rolling. Boy was I wrong!! The only club that responded favorably was the BOTTOMLINE (who remembered us well), and they were about to lose their lease! All the rest of them were being run buy rude, snot-nosed, know-nothings who didn’t care who we were and lacked a lot of respect! Now, all that seemed to matter was how many bodies you can bring into their clubs. Back when I left the group, we were a concert act playing in such venues as The Fillmore East, The Schaeffer Festival in Central Park, etc., and the clubs controlled who their crowds were and supplied the audience. They chose musical groups by how good they were, and if their club steadies liked them. When I worked these clubs you auditioned, and if you didn’t cut it, you didn’t get the gig. In the city there were as many as two bands a night. If you clicked you worked six nights a week. It was good steady money that improved as you got better. Not to mention that YOU improved as a musician. It was forced practicing. First you started with a two week booking, and as you got better so did the money. Your goal was to headline. It would go from a two week booking, to a two month booking. They kept bringing you back, as long as the crowds kept coming. You had constant exposure to managers, booking agents, and record companies. The clubs gave you every opportunity to improve yourself. A bonus was you didn’t have to break your instruments down every night. When I see what bands now have to go through today, I feel for them…BIG TIME!! Now, regardless of how good, or not so good, you are, YOU must guarantee the club owner that you will bring a minimum audience of 30 people with you! (They don’t even ask to hear your music!) And HE will allow you to keep anywhere from $1 to $5 from the admission charged at the door! Meanwhile, HE is raking in tons of money from the bar that you see none of! Forget about being paid.
I've been blogging for a little while now, and it occurred to me that not one of my blogs has focused on music...... So if you're interested, or even if you're not interested, here's the first of my music blogs..... Even though I spent most of my life in music, those rumors that were circulating that I once jammed with John Phillip Sousa were bogus....I haven't been around quite that long....But he did have a back-stage pass! I've played Jazz, (small group and big band) and have overcome the snobbery that went with that.....R&B...Rock, and every type of ethnic music you can imagine..... I went from tuxes and suits to jeans and the fuzzy-do you see in my photo....Yes folks I was a six foot one brunette dandelion..... Now, however, to cut down on wind resistance on the treadmill, I shaved it all off!! So while people are combing, primping and blow drying their hair...I simply take out a can of Old English, and polish my head!
The reason that I even bring this up is that some people tended to judge your music by what you were wearing instead of what you were playing. I never got that memo, so when I wore a tank top while drumming, I wasn't trying to be sexy, I was trying not to be stinky!! I didn't want the sea-gulls circling while I drummed!!! (If ya get my drift!) I was being called enough names....didn't want to add "STINKY BOBBY" to the mix!! With me it was always about the music! Either the music was good..or it was bad.. Also it was a matter of taste... and I don't cling to the past, my clothes do....But that's another story. Wow there's SO much great new music out there and great new artists, we should at the very least give them a shot! Clinging to the past makes you go backwards. Me I like forward motion.... Keeps ya young!!! If you'd like to view some of my musical history go to's a TRIP!!
Oh by the way...the "BOYS" downtown, (I think you know who I'm talking about) are calling me "BOBBY BLOGS!!" That's what they wanna call me, who am I to argue?? So from now on, I'll be doing "BIG BAD BOBBY BLOGS! veRY sCaRy!
In future blogs I'll try to cover different types of music and platforms... My next music blog will cover Bands on line...Podcasting.
Love to hear from you!! Comments welcomed!!
Have you ever tried opening anything with those plastic seals? Batteries, beverages, faucets, new door knobs, DVD’s or that great CD you just bought that you can’t wait to hear. You run home, rip open the bag and attempt to open your prize. Then you find yourself rolling around on the floor trying to get at it! You try scissors, knives, razor blades and end up gnawing on it with your teeth…but to no avail. I WANT MY MUSIC!!
And the list of such items is endless. Cereal boxes, cat food boxes, cat litter boxes…Just pull this easy opening tab!!! There’s nothing easy opening about it!! You pull the tab, and get about a third of the way and it tears off. So you dig your finger under it and try to pry it open, thus completely screwing up the re-closable tab, leading to geeking and cannibalizing the box…not to mention the numerous paper cuts you receive.
Your online gift arrives, and the box is all banged up and crushed. You’re anxious to open it and check for damages, but try as you may, you can’t. You claw, you bite, you pull…but nothing short of power tools and the JAWS OF LIFE can get through that plastic tape and help you to succeed!!
PEOPLE… if we can’t get at them, we can’t use them. DO THE MATH!! You package them safely so nothing can damage them, or get at them. So here’s a flash…that doesn’t include us!!! We buy these products because we want them, and if we can’t get at them, we CAN’T USE THEM!!! Pay attention, manufacturers! Do you have a filter missing or something?? Plastic packaging it the DEVIL’S TOOL!!
This blog is over because I have to gather all of our outdoor furniture, umbrellas and stuff from around the pool, garden, back patio and store it for the winter.
This year, because we ran out of room in our garage, I’ve hired a service that comes to your house, piles everything in one place, and SHRINK WRAPS IT IN PLASTIC!! OOPS!!! I don’t think I was supposed to tell you that!! (DELETE, DELETE) J