Have you ever tried opening anything with those plastic seals? Batteries, beverages, faucets, new door knobs, DVD’s or that great CD you just bought that you can’t wait to hear. You run home, rip open the bag and attempt to open your prize. Then you find yourself rolling around on the floor trying to get at it! You try scissors, knives, razor blades and end up gnawing on it with your teeth…but to no avail. I WANT MY MUSIC!!
And the list of such items is endless. Cereal boxes, cat food boxes, cat litter boxes…Just pull this easy opening tab!!! There’s nothing easy opening about it!! You pull the tab, and get about a third of the way and it tears off. So you dig your finger under it and try to pry it open, thus completely screwing up the re-closable tab, leading to geeking and cannibalizing the box…not to mention the numerous paper cuts you receive.
Your online gift arrives, and the box is all banged up and crushed. You’re anxious to open it and check for damages, but try as you may, you can’t. You claw, you bite, you pull…but nothing short of power tools and the JAWS OF LIFE can get through that plastic tape and help you to succeed!!
PEOPLE… if we can’t get at them, we can’t use them. DO THE MATH!! You package them safely so nothing can damage them, or get at them. So here’s a flash…that doesn’t include us!!! We buy these products because we want them, and if we can’t get at them, we CAN’T USE THEM!!! Pay attention, manufacturers! Do you have a filter missing or something?? Plastic packaging it the DEVIL’S TOOL!!
This blog is over because I have to gather all of our outdoor furniture, umbrellas and stuff from around the pool, garden, back patio and store it for the winter.
This year, because we ran out of room in our garage, I’ve hired a service that comes to your house, piles everything in one place, and SHRINK WRAPS IT IN PLASTIC!! OOPS!!! I don’t think I was supposed to tell you that!! (DELETE, DELETE) J
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