Wednesday, February 13, 2008


There was a time when, if bands wanted to make it in the music business, they worked hard on creating their own original music in the hopes of gaining interest from the record companies. You had to if you wanted to have a record...and a career in music! It was the only game in town....but not anymore! BUT NOT ANY MORE!! What happened?? Computers, that's what happened... the "Internet".
Before the internet, record companies would send out their scouts looking for fresh new talent and when they found you, they'd sell you a bill of goods, saying things like they love your sound! If you sign with them, they'll make you the next Stones, Beatles, Aerosmith..etc. And you'd be thinking..we don't want to be them... we want to be"US"! But you didn't want to say it out loud, for fear that you might queer the deal. So you'd trust them..and ALL along they're telling you how great you are...Then you'd get into the studio and one of the first things the producer did was to change your music around to suit him! But when you're new you don't say anything because you don't wanna "QUEER THE DEAL"! So you wound up with product that sometimes didn't come close to resembling your style, but you shut up and didn't say anything because you're new and you don't want to "QUEER THE DEAL"!!
They'd release your recording, give it a little promotion and if the thing didn't take off right away... they'd back off and let it die a slow death... What happened to all those promises? I listened to you and signed away our songs... I was a good little indian and didn't speak up when I should have...and some how, the DEAL GOT QUEERED!!
Now, thanks to the internet, bands are able to build a following and take charge of their OWN business. They can burn their own cd's, do their own art work or hire someone to do it for them, take control of their own destiny and market themselves online. They've created an important arm of the music industry called "INDIES"!!! Independant groups, performers and even movies! If you did the research you'd proably be shocked at how many of your favorite groups are "Indies"! Their music gets played on online Podcasts, can be downloaded, for a price, from their own websites....and eventually sold in record stores... Great isn't it??
Nowadays, since bands have to supply their own followers and fans to play out, they have a built in audience... Cool huh? So in many ways they are in control of their own fate...AT LAST!! And don't steal their for the download! They worked hard and deserve their just due. If this is news to you, and you'd like to hear an example of an "indie" podcast....try ...who in my not-so-humble opinion has one of the best eclectic mixes from across the country and around the world. Check it OUT!!

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